Always know how long it's been since something moved.


The device that tells you the last time something moved
to help you keep your life in order and mind at ease.


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Thingzo uses a patented methodology to detect movement and show you how long ago an object moved.  Know when something happened even without being there.

How Can Thingzo Help You?

If You’re Concerned For
Your Privacy

It doesn’t matter how old you are, we all have rights to our privacy. Thingzo is perfect when it comes to keeping you in the loop with your belongings when you’re not around. Simply place Thingzo on the drawer, box or door of your choice and you’ll be able to tell if your siblings, roommates or hired help are getting into your things. If you rent a personal storage space, a safety deposit box at a bank, or have any other storage area, Thingzo can help you know the last time someone accessed that space.

If You’re A Parent

No matter the age of your child, the job of a parent is one of the most rewarding yet challenging jobs out there. We’re here to help make that job just a little bit easier. Can’t remember when the diaper was changed last? What if you need to know what time your teenager got home last night after you went to bed? This is also crucial when it comes to the safety of your kids – in a moment’s notice, find out if they’ve gotten into the liquor cabinet, jewelry box and more!  With Thingzo’s motion-sensing technology, you’ll be able to find out this information with just a glance at the display!

If You’re A Pet Owner

Next to being a parent, being a pet owner is the arguably one of the most important and satisfying responsibilities out there. Whether you need to find out if someone fed the dog, when the fish tank was last cleaned, if the cat’s been outside or when the dog has gone on a walk, find this out and more with Thingzo!

If You’re Always Running
Out Of Time

We’ve all been there – it feels like it’s only been days, when really weeks have gone by and a new month is getting started. If you lose track of time, Thingzo will help keep your schedule straight. You can also keep track of when things in your home need to be changed, like air or water filters, or if you need to refill the water softener pellets.

If You’re Passionate About Your Health

Sometimes you don’t remember if you took your daily medication or how long it has been since you used the exercise machine. Know instantly with Thingzo the last time you did something to improve your health.

If You’re A Caregiver

As a nanny or a caregiver to the elderly or ill, Thingzo helps you stay organized and allows you to monitor what’s going on with the person for whom you are caring when you can’t be right by their side. The peace of mind you can get with Thingzo is invaluable..

If You Own a Vacation
Home or Rental

If you have a second home or cabin where you are away for long periods of time, you want to have the peace of mind to know if you have had uninvited guests, or simply if things have expired. If you rent your second home out to others through services like Airbnb, VRBO or a local rental management company, there are things you need to know when you’re not there. Find out if your guests accessed your restricted areas, or even when the cleaning company arrives with Thingzo.

If You’re You

The great thing about Thingzo is that you don’t only have to be one of these seven types of people – you can be anyone! You could even use this at work or in your small business. You may never have to drink stale coffee again. Not only is Thingzo extremely helpful, but its options are truly limitless. Whether you’re traveling, protecting your belongings or caring for someone or something else, Thingzo is here to help keep your life in order and mind at ease.

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